Happy Holidays Everyone! In the spirit of the season, we’re collecting food for 3 struggling local families. It’s so confusing to know how to help others when times are hard for so many Ohioans. So, we started with the basics . . . food. Since so many families are unable to get food assistance, and food lines are so long that people are being turned away, we decided to start a holiday food drive. Then, we could take the food directly to the family!
We’ve teamed up with our resident counselor, Alice Daniels, LPC, to find three families that could use our help. We’ve put a donation box in our lobby and we’ll keep adding boxes to fill until we have enough food to help each family. If you would like to contribute to our Holiday Food Drive simply bring nonperishable food/drink items when you come in for your appointment or give us a call, email, or text to arrange a time to stop by with your items. So far, we have filled one box!
If you’d like to donate cash, we’ve created a Venmo account to make it easy for everyone to donate cash (we’ll convert it into grocery store gift cards). The families can use the cards to purchase more personalized/perishable food items, e.g., meat, dairy, fresh produce, sundries, etc. It doesn’t cost much (only $15-$20) to give a family a turkey or other family favorites to bring them holiday cheer. Donations will be accepted through Dec 23th. Call our studio for more details. Let’s blow their minds with the power of human kindness!